Origins are several small private servers used in Professor Jonathan Tan’s group. Currently, there are two servers: origins1 and origins2. They are not linked and the accounts are not synchronized.
To get access, please send a request to one of the following mail address:
- Chia-Jung Hsu (
- Brandt Gaches (
The request should have at least the following information:
- machine name (origins1 or origins2)
- full name
- mail address
- perferable account name (optional, if not provided, the default will be
Vera is a local computing resource at Chalmers, and managed by another team, e-Commons. A private computing allocation on it (PI: Jonathan Tan) is available for the group members. If you are planning to use the allocation on Vera, please follow the steps described here.
As a member in AoP, you should be able to join astro1 project (PI: Wouter Vlemmings) as well.